Distinctions for PhD degrees

International Mention for a PhD degree

Royal Decree 99/2011(modified by RD 195/2016 of 3rdJune 2016) which governs official doctorate courses sets out in article 15b the possibility of obtaining an International Mention for PhD degrees.

Requirements for an 'International Mention for a PhD Degree'

Stays must be in person. In no case will a virtual or telematic collaboration or work be accepted.
Both the application and the supporting documents must bear an original signature.
  1. The PhD degree certificate may include the 'International Mention' for PhDs on the back, as long as the following circumstances are fulfilled:
    • During the required training period leading to the award of a PhD, the doctorand has spent a minimum three-month stay outside Spain at a higher education institute or renowned research centre, taking courses or undertaking research work. In no event will split stays lasting less than one month be accepted. The stay and activities must be endorsed by the supervisor and authorised by the academic commission, and be incorporated into the doctorand activities document
      The stay shall be accredited in a specific document issued by the host institution and signed by the supervisor for the stay at the overseas institution, on the date it ends or the following day, specifying that it has been done in person and the duration. The documents must bear an original signature.
    • Part of the doctoral thesis—at least the abstract and conclusions—has been written and submitted in one of the common languages used for scientific communication in the area of knowledge, other than any of the official languages of Spain. This rule shall not apply where the stays, reports and experts are in/from a Spanish-speaking country. The documents must bear an original signature
    • At least two experts with a PhD from any non-Spanish higher education or research institute have issued a report on the thesis. The two experts writing the report may not be members of the thesis viva defence panel or be the same individuals as the authors of the external reports issued prior to submission of the thesis. The documents must bear an original signature .
    • At least one expert from a non-Spanish higher education institute or research centre holding a PhD—and not the same individual as the supervisor of the stay mentioned in section a.) above—has been part of the thesis viva defence panel. This document may be obtained from the EDUIB admin services
    • Once the thesis has been submitted, the doctorand may request a report from each of the two aforementioned experts.
  2. The thesis viva voce must be held at the same Spanish university where the doctorand is enrolled. For joint PhD programmes, it may be held at any of the participating universities, or as per the terms and conditions set out in the collaboration agreements
  3. The procedures to request the International Mention for a PhD degree may begin once the thesis has been submitted. The interested party shall provide the accrediting documentation for the instances set out in section one herein. Accreditation for what is set out under letter b.) in section one above shall comprise a certificate issued by the secretary of the PhD thesis viva panel
  4. The EDUIB shall decide whether to award the International Mention for a PhD degree or not.

Application forms for International Mention distinction for a PhD degree

Industrial Speciality Mention for PhD degree

Royal Decree 99/2011 of 28th January, which governs official doctorate courses, sets out in article 15b the possibility of obtaining an Industrial Speciality Mention for PhD degrees.

Requirements for the "Industrial Speciality Mention for PhD degree"

  1. The Industrial Speciality Mention shall be awarded as long as the following circumstances occur:
    • There is an employment or commercial contract with the doctorand. The contract may be with a private or public sector company, or with a public administration.
    • The doctorand must be part of an industrial research or experimental development project being undertaken at the company or the public administration where s/he is providing services, and which cannot be a university. The industrial research or experimental development project where the doctorand is participating must have a direct link with his/her thesis. This direct link shall be accredited in a report, which must be approved by the University.
  2. Where the industrial research or experimental development project is being undertaken as a collaboration between the University and the company or public administration where the doctorand is providing services, a framework collaboration agreement shall be signed between the parties. This agreement shall state the obligations of the University and the company or public administration, as well as the doctorand selection procedure.
  3. The doctorand shall have a thesis supervisor assigned by the University and a designated supervisor at the company or public administration who may, where applicable, be a thesis supervisor as per the PhD programme's own regulations.

Doctorands wishing to apply for an Industrial Speciality Mention must submit the corresponding form, alongside all the documentation set out in the aforementioned section, upon submitting his/her doctoral thesis or after his/her PhD viva voce defence.

Application for Industrial Speciality Mention for PhD degree