Doctoral Theses
In this section you can consult the regulations which determine the procedure that must be followed, criteria format for the doctoral thesis and the documents that must be handed in concerning the elaboration and the authorization for the thesis defense.
Doctoral thesis format specifications and instructions for the submission and/or remote viva for doctoral theses
- UIB doctoral thesis format specifications for the presentation (both on paper and in electronic format) of the doctoral thesis.
- Annex 1: an example of a cover
- Annex 2: an example of a title page
- Annex 3: an example of a certificate
- Annex 4: an example of consent/waiver
- Annex 4 Custody commitment
- Instructions regarding the protocol for the submission and/or remote viva for doctoral theses
Distinctions for PhD degrees
Further information to request a Distinctions for PhD degrees:
- International Mention for a PhD degree
- Industrial Speciality Mention for PhD degree
PhD Thesis Forms
PhD Thesis Processing Forms
- Remote PhD thesis submission and/or viva request form [ca]
- PhD thesis supervisor report
- Comments and objections concerning a PhD thesis
- PhD thesis submission request form
- Panel proposal form
- Bank details
- External report fee form
- EU external report fee form
- Non-EU external report fee form
- External reviewer report template
- Form to publish news articles on PhD theses
PhD Viva Voce Forms
TDX Thesis Publication Forms
This regulation sets out the procedure to be followed and the documents to be submitted concerning the preparation and authorisation of the thesis viva voce defence.
Article 14. Assessment and defence of doctoral theses as per Royal Decree 99/2011 of 28th January that governs official doctoral programmes (effective date: 11th February 2011) [es]
- 11331. REGULATORY AGREEMENT of 23rd March 2015 approving the entry requirements on doctoral programmes for those with five-year undergraduate degrees, engineering and architecture degrees, three-year undergraduate degrees, and technical engineering and architecture degrees
- 13084. NORMATIVE AGREEMENT of 10th April 2019, approving the regulations regarding the organisation of doctoral studies at the University of the Balearic Islands.
The format criteria for PhD theses (both in printed and electronic formats) can be found in the section 'Doctoral Thesis - Procedures and forms' and in the section 'Regulations'.